Thanks to Academia edu and Semantic Scholar for using their artificial intelligence instrument for picking up highligts from my doctoral dissertation - for helping scholars to find research of their interest.
Kiitos Academia edulle ja Semantic Scholarille, että ovat tekoäly menetelmillään etsineet väitöskirjastani näkökohtia, jotka auttavat tutkijoita löytämään kiinnostavia tutkimuksia.
ON CONDITIONS OF DECISION MAKING, a study of the conceptual foundation of administration, (Complete, Academia edu, digital edition 2014)
5-Minute Overview of this paper
by Academia edu
(Our Machine-Learning algorithms scan the text for the most important phrases or passages. These highlights, alongside their respective section titles.)
References: Publications referenced by ON CONDITIONS OF DECISION-MAKING
by Semantic Scholar
PREFACE to digital edition 2014, a history since
(In picture, a new doctor meeting in Athens museum Aristotle, the founder of the tradition of the Practical Syllogism.)
22. maalis, 2020